Clare B. Dunkle

Changeable Weather

By These Ten Bones by Clare B. Dunkle. New York: Henry Holt, 2005.

Highland landscape

The weather changes frequently in the Highlands, and this completely changes how the Highlands look. When the sun is shining, the hills are a pleasant green. (A cloud is moving across them in this photo.)

Highland landscape

But the hills look black and ghostly under a cloudy sky, and the clouds are are often very low.

Highland landscape

The same thing happens to water, which is blue and sparkling under the sunshine.

Highland landscape

Just a couple of hours later, it can be drab and gray.

Glen Coe landscape

Frequently, the clouds cut off the hills altogether, so that they cannot even be seen. Sometimes they appear and disappear as low clouds go by. And even in summertime, mist and fog are common.

All webpage text copyright 2003-2014 by Clare B. Dunkle, unless attributed otherwise. All photos copyright 2003-2014 by Joseph R. Dunkle, unless attributed otherwise. You may make one print copy of any page on this site for private or educational use. You may quote the author using short excerpts from this website, provided you attribute the quote. You may use the photos in both print and virtual media to promote the author's books or events. All other copying or use of this website material, either photos or text, is forbidden without the express written consent of the author.