die Zugabe

This weekend at the GlockencafĂ© in downtown Kaiserslautern, the funk/soul band Back Beat Business played two fantastic sets. When they finished, the crowd was hungry for more, but how do you call for more in German? Die Zugabe is a bonus, an additive, a free gift, or something you throw in for good measure. And when the crowd chants, “Zu-ga-be! Zu-ga-be!” as it did four times Friday night for Back Beat Business, die Zugabe is an encore.

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4 Responses to die Zugabe

  1. Stephanie Gillmann says:

    Dear Mrs Dunkle,

    my husband who is the guitarist of Back Beat Business found this funny article by chance on your website. A nice little story about the lack of English words. :-) and the little traps of translation :-) ….imagine people in England or America shouting “add-i-tion” or “to-le-rance” :-) which are two possibilities of translating the word “Zugabe” :-).

    Greetings from Mehlingen!
    Stephanie and Michael Gillmann ( Back Beat Business)

  2. Clare B. Dunkle says:

    Stephanie, thanks for your comment! I’m glad your husband knows now how much we enjoyed the band. Back Beat Business is fantastic! And if Zugabe seems like a funny word to yell, we Americans yell, “Encore!” which isn’t even English. Not very many Americans know that “encore” is French for “again.”

  3. Stephanie Gillmann says:

    Hello Claire!
    Good to hear that you enjoyed the music :-). They’ll play again this Friday, in Bärenbrunnerhof, which is about an hour away from KL. And then again in January, I think. If you’re interested, I send you the exact dates. Have a nice week!! S*

  4. Clare B. Dunkle says:

    Does the band have an online calendar? Why don’t you send me the link, and I’ll post it in a comment–that way people who want to find you (including me!) can always get to the current dates. Thanks!